Alington Ruthin Stockbrokers and Investment Management Limited (ARSIM)

MIFIDPRU 8 Disclosure

2023 Performance Year



 Regulatory Context


Alington Ruthin Stockbrokers and Investment Management Limited (“ARSIM” or the “Firm”) is making the following disclosure in accordance with MIFIDPRU 8.


The disclosure has been made in line with the requirements which apply to the Firm as a MIFIDPRU investment firm which is classified as Small and Non-Interconnected (SNI) firm, and which has no Additional Tier 1 capital instruments in issue.




This Disclosure covers the period 1st May 2022 to 30th April 2023, and subsequent updates will be made on at least an annual basis as of the Accounting Reference Date (“ARD”), which is 30th April each year, and will be publicly disclosed.


In particular circumstances (e.g. major change to the Firm’s business model), ARSIM may choose, at its own discretion, to make more frequent public disclosures where a particular circumstance requires this in the opinion of the Firm’s management.




The level of detail provided in the qualitative disclosures is proportionate to the size and internal organisation of the Firm and also proportionate to the nature, scope and complexity of the Firm’s business activities.


This disclosure has been made in line with the requirements which apply to ARSIM as a MIFIDPRU Investment Firm, which is classed as Small and Non-Interconnected (“SNI”) firm with no Additional Tier 1 Capital in issue.   


The company's Remuneration Policy will be approved at least annually by its Board. The company does not believe that it is proportionate to form a Remuneration Committee at the current time in view of its size, internal organisation and the nature, scope, and complexity of its business activities.


Changes to Information disclosed


This is the Firm’s first Disclosure under MIFIFPRU 8.


Therefore, there are no significant changes or amendments for ARSIM to disclose.




The information contained in this document has not been audited by the Firm’s external auditors, as this is not a requirement, and does not constitute any form of financial statement and must not be relied upon in making any judgement on the Firm.





ARSIM is incorporated in the UK and is authorised and regulated by the FCA. As a SNI MIFIDPRU investment firm, that has no Additional Tier 1 instruments in issue, the ARSIM is only required to disclose its remuneration policies and practices, as per MIFIPRU 8.1.


These disclosures are made by the Firm on a solo basis as required by MIFIDPRU 8.1.7R.

MIFIDPRU 8 Disclosure